
We offer a wide range of services from site assessment and installation to training and maintenance.

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ATON Structures

At EDMGT, we understand the importance of the structure in the long-term performance and availability of any AtoN, that no one solution fits all requirements, and choosing the right AtoN structure is as important as the choice of AtoN equipment itself.

Lighthouse Retrofitting

EDMGT provides installation services for the full suite of products supplied. With personnel on staff with decades of remote-site installation experience and full manufacturers' support. Clients can be secure in the knowledge that all installation work is carried out professionally to world best practice.

Marine Electronic Highway

EDMGT provides maintenance services for all the products we supply in addition to maintaining existing installation. We can help assess your maintenance requirements and provide relevant and cost-effective solutions.

AIS Class B Transponder for Military, Fishing, Passenger, Dredging, and Cargo Vessels

EDMGT provides installation services for the full suite of products supplied. With personnel on staff with decades of ship-borne electronics installation experience and full manufacturers' support. Clients can be secure in the knowledge that all installation work is carried out professionally to world best practices.

Marine Asset Protection

EDM Global Tech is focused on delivering customized maritime domain awareness solutions to enhance safety, security, and environmental stewardship. EDM Global Tech‘s experienced staff works with clients to identify their specific needs and implements technologies to increase the efficiency and accuracy of operations.


EDMGT provides maintenance services for all the products we supply in addition to maintaining existing installations and entire AIS AtoN networks. We can help assess your maintenance requirements and provide relevant and cost-effective solutions.

Dredging and Dumping Monitoring System (DDMS)

The dredging and Dumping Monitoring System monitors Spoils Dumping vessels' movement and detects any illegal dumping within the area covered by National AIS Network.

Automatic, Autonomous, and Continuous transmission technology between relevant working vessels (Ship to Ship), working vessels (eg. dumping hopper barge) to Shore-Base Station (Ship to Shore), and to other ships equipped with AIS transponder as well.

This system has the capability to broadcast continuously and in real-time, own ship's ID (Ship's name, MMSI), own position by built-in GPS, speed, COG, etc to Base Station and other ships equipped with AIS Transponder via common VHF Radio channel approved as the international standard communication for AIS by IMO and ITU. Therefore, no communication charges such as communication link by GSM telephone nor an application for utilizing VHF radio channel is required.

Solar Powered AIS Class B Transponder

The TB560 AIS Class B Transponder with Solar Power is specifically designed and engineered to provide optimal power to the unit and enables continuous autonomous operation without the need for connection to the vessel power supply – with the internal battery continuing to provide over 5 days of standby power reserve.

Offshore Platform Marine Lantern

Zone 1-rated LED marine lantern that is suitable for highly corrosive environments due to a complete 316 Stainless Steel body; compliant with IALA and DECC recommendations. Available in IALA white, red, green, and amber.

Satellite Communication

MQEYTA - A satellite communication service powered by the most advanced PSMA Technology from the future. We provide the most stable satellite communication for your safety and exchange your ideas anytime, anywhere with anyone.

Jetty Marine Light

The PMAPI-SC35 is a weather protected self-contained marine lantern with an LED light source that can be combined with optional battery power or solar panels.

SBM Buoy Zone 1 Marine Lantern

Range: 3-10NM at 0.74T
Ideal for: fixed offshore structures, buoys, and jetty lights; can be used as 3NM Red Subsidiary Light or 10NM White Main Light