Redefining Maritime Technology Boundaries

Offering and developing premium solutions for maritime technological challenges

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Our Expertise

We offer a broad spectrum of services within the field of marine information communication technology as a consultant, project manager, and engineer in South East Asia.

EDM specializes in maritime and communication sectors in the South-East Asia region. Established in 2014 and started with Malaysia as our base, we have built a regional network of dealers and a strong customer base. We work with our global partners to provide leading-edge maritime navigation and domain awareness solutions

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Our Services

We are innovators in maritime tracking and monitoring, aiming provides decision-makers and operators with world-class tools for maritime traffic and port management. Our products offer a wide range of applications in Port and Waterway Management, Coastal and Offshore Surveillance, Risk Analysis, and reporting.


Whether it is a new AtoN site, buoy installation, or remote surveillance site, EDMGT provides professional site assessment services


EDMGT provides installation services for the full suite of products supplied. With personnel on staff with decades of remote-site AtoN installation experience and full manufacturers' support. Clients can be secure in the knowledge that all installation work is carried out professionally to world's best practice.


We provide maintenance services for all products we supply in addition to maintaining existing installations and entire AtoN networks. We can help assess your maintenance requirements and provide relevant and cost-effective solutions.


The requirements for appropriately trained and competent personnel are critical in the VTS scenario and are becoming increasingly important in the provision of AtoN services. EDMGT has an in-depth understanding of the regulations surrounding training and can advise on, and deliver, training to suit your requirements - Marine Asset Protection Solution is a live, 24 hour, web-based service, monitoring protection zones around ports, subsea and surface assets. It monitors the behaviour of vessels in and around these zones and constantly feeds vessel position back to a central control hub for detailed analysis. raises an alarm if the analysis shows that a vessel is exhibiting potentially damaging behaviour.

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